Gifts of Mother Nature

Mother nature is wise and gives us the best products to look after ourselves. In Costa Rica we have always lived by this motto, learning from our grandparents how to use natural medicine to experimenting were to nourish ourselves with the amazing array of fruits and veggies that the land offers us.

With the desire to share this knowledge and health with others, Costarricans have created an array of products and services focused on teaching and making the gifts of mother nature accessible to everyone.

This is your opportunity to try to take with you super food, vitamins, typical foods as well as to learn how to nourish your body or cook fun new dishes.

Vida Blue Clay

A natural organic rain forest clay to smooth and rejuvenates your skin.

Vida Blue clay is a gift from pachamama´s hands, this miracles clay is harvest in small amounts from the heart of the jungles of the south of Costa Rica, a very deep spot, and carry by hand down the mountains to cleaned and silted with spring water .

Organic Beauty products

Natural beauty refers to the popular way of caring for our skin and health with nature-based products. It is the choice of returning to our roots and utilizing all the wonderful things Pachamama provides us. It is learning how to take advantage of these natural gifts to make us feel and look beautiful and connect with our inner beauty.

When we talk about natural products, we have many options. We choose what we like because of its fragrance, texture, presentation, and, most importantly, how it makes our skin feel.